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Monday, November 9, 2020

Participation in International Chessathon

 What is happiness ?

The first thing what defines happiness for many others is good food, fantastic clothing, luxurious living, big car etc or a sort of materialistic thing. For few others it is the mental happiness. To me , the happiness is what my students achieve, preparing my students to achieve the international ranking in chess. 

In the last few days, I was fully charged with happiness as our academy students continuously rocked in the International chessathon tournament and bagged good positions.  For many of them this is the very first tournament of their career.  

While most of the players were focusing on the Rapid and classical category ,Blitz was the one which they haven't tried. Inspite of these odds, they achieved tremendous results.

All were 9 rounds match

1.Shreyas  U 9 B  43rd Rank in 453 participants 6.5 points* - better than 90.5% of players

2. Anuvardini U11 G  10 th Rank /133 participants  6.5 points - better than 92.5 % of players

3. Abivardini U11 G 37 th Rank / 133 participants 5 points- 72.2 percentile

4. Dyuthi  U11 G 75th Rank in 133 participants 4 points * in 43.6 percentile

5 Yazhmozhi U13 G 35 th Rank in 139 participants 5.5 points * 74.8 percentile

6. Pravin U13 B 119 th Rank in 513 participants 5.5 points 76.8 percentile

7. Akshat U13 B 157th Rank in 513 participants 5 points 69.39 percentile

8.Pranavkumar U17 71st Rank in 167 participants  5 points 57.48 Percentile [ A tougher category ]

*First ever tournament played.

 The results indicate that our students are performing definitely better and their standings are promising .


1 comment:

  1. Excellent opportunity and experience under the guidance of sir.Thank you
