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Friday, July 31, 2020

Who can win and how

This is one of the dilemma the players face. To capture the white pawn or move the pawn further.  Try ,analyse and give your solutions. When black to move, who could win ?

Celebrate Independence day with Happiness and Chess

Sadurangam GM Chess Academy is happy to conduct  its SPECIAL  I DAY GRAND CHESS TOURNAMENT- online  on 15 August 2020, 8.30 AM IST .Accepting  the  request from all other age groups / chess enthusiasts it is made open .No age restriction.  Entry Fee: Rs55/- Rupees fifty five  only.
Type : Arena
Registration link:Click here to register

Requirements : Account in ( it is free , get a user name and password)

Password for the tournament will be mailed on 14th August 9 PM

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Sacrifice the piece when in need

This is one of the good games played where the opponent is not sure of the next piece and accepted the sacrifice. The ending comes in the next two moves. Result 0-1

Click here to watch the game

Can you figure out the check mate pattern

It is one of the happy moments when one of our student moves what has to be moved and showcases the learning happened  in the class.  
I was demonstrating the Anastasia's check mate pattern few days ago to one of my online batch students.It was surprising that in one of the practice games, the position was similar to that was discussed. One of my student utilised the opportunity and finished the game.  can you figure out the winning pattern ? 
Black has to move. Result 0-1

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Are you the knight warrier ?

One of the good games played with knight, identify the tactics involved .In move 29 can you figure out why white did not give Rxe6  and later changed his mind ?Do not miss the end game for sure. 

Click here to watch this game

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Typical example for a middle game blunder

Can you spot the mistakes and the blunders in the middle game, if you could your learning is good. Your coach will definitely have a credit. 
Click to watch the game

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Pieces Exchange, Center control Winning

This is a very unique game played, in which we could learn many lessons like exchange of pieces, center control, importance of castling and finally the winning plan. Watch this game and give your learning. I believe this will a  a learning for upcoming chess professionals.

Click here to watch the game