We have only listed students who secured more than 5 Trophies , even though most of our students have won trophies.
Sadurangam Twinkling Star
Hashmitha : won 20 trophies and 2 Medals
Sadurangam Shining Star
Praneeshwar : 16 Trophies
Sadurangam Shining Star
Sahana with her 16 Trophies
Sadurangam Shining Star
Sanjana with her 14 tophies
Sadurangam Rising Star
Sadurangam Rising Star
Hemanth Reddy:6 Trophies and 2 Medals
Sadurangam Rising StarShaun Matthew 7 Trophies
Sadurangam Rising Star
Keerthivasan P.K - 6 Trophies
Sadurangam Rising Star
Deepshika with 6 Trophies
Sadurangam Rising Star
Riya 6 Trophies and a Medal
Sadurangam Rising Star
Abivardini : 5 Trophies and a Medal